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National team

Andrés Pulido Director of Sales

Andres Pulido joined Vircell Spain, S.L.U in July 2014 as the National Sales Director and ... Read more

Sergi Gordillo Marketing Director

Sergi Gordillo joined the staff of Vircell Spain, S.L.U. in early 2015 with more than ... Read more

Olga Gil Product Manager

Olga Gil joins Vircell Spain S.L.U in January 2023 as Product Manager, in the Marketing ... Read more

Francisco Ponz Sales Manager of the Central Zone

Francisco Ponz began working at Vircell Spain, S.L.U in March 2015 as a Commercial Technical ... Read more

Vicente Calduch Sales Manager of Levante

In February 2015 Vicente Calduch Sancho joined Vircell Spain, S.L.U as a Sales Manager in ... Read more

Juan Benítez Sales Manager of the Andalusian Zone

Juan Benitez joined Vircell Spain, S.L.U in September 2014, and since the beginning has helped ... Read more

Rafael Gutiérrez Delegado de Ventas Andalucía Oriental,Ceuta y Melilla

Rafael Gutiérrez Cabrera joined Vircell Spain in January 2016 as a sales representative for the ... Read more

Jaime Regueiro Sales Manager of the North East Zone

Jaime Regueiro joined Vircell Spain S.L.U as a sales representative for the northwestern region of ... Read more

Luis Ángel Esteban Sales Manger of the Northern Zone

Luis Ángel joined Vircell Spain S.L.U as the Sales Manager of the northern zone, Castilla ... Read more

Ricard Vallés Sales Manager of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands

Ricard Valles joined Vircell Spain S.L.U in February 2015, as a sales representative for Catalonia ... Read more

Cristina Sánchez Applications Specialist

In January 2019 Cristina Sánchez joined the Vircell S.L.U team as an Applications Specialist. Her ... Read more

José Andrés Pizarro Sales Manager of the central area and Castilla-Leon

José Andrés joined the commercial team of Vircell Spain, S.L.U. in April 2021. He has ... Read more

Alejandro Márquez Applications Specialist

Alejandro Márquez comienza en Vircell Spain, S.L.U. en junio de 2016 como Especialista de Aplicaciones, ... Read more

Laura Gimferrer Applications Specialist

Laura joined Vircell Spain in October 2019 as an application specialist to provide pre-sale and ... Read more

Ainhoa Vergara Application Specialist

Ainhoa ​​belongs to the team of application specialists of VIRCELL SPAIN, S.L. since January 2020. ... Read more

Noemí Fernández Application Specialist

Noemí joined Vircell Spain's application specialists team in March 2021 to provide service in the ... Read more

Juan Sebastián Becerra Application Specialist

Sebastián joins Vircell Spain S.L.U. in July 2023 as an Application Specialist, with the objective ... Read more

José Luis Rodríguez Instrument and Applications Technician

In October 2015 José Luis joined Vircell in the Department of Instrumentation and Marketing to ... Read more

Enrique Martínez Instrumentation Technician

Enrique Martínez began working with Vircell Spain S.L.U as instrument technician in March 2017. During ... Read more

Alberto Rivera Instrumentation Technician

Alberto joined the Instrumentation Department of Vircell Spain S.L.U. in June 2020 to provide technical ... Read more

Carlos Perelló Rodríguez Instrumentation Technician

Carlos joined the Instrumentation Department of Vircell Spain S.L.U. in March 2021 to provide technical ... Read more

Antonio López Almeda Instrumentation Technician

Antonio joined the Instrumentation Department of Vircell Spain S.L.U. in April 2021 to provide technical ... Read more

Carlos Javier Sánchez Instrumentation Technician

Carlos joins the instrumentation team of Vircell Spain S.L.U. in January 2022. He is a ... Read more

Jaume Marro Instrumentation Technician

Jaume joins the instrumentation team of Vircell Spain S.L.U. in February 2023. He is a ... Read more

Héctor Séisdedos Instrumentation Technician

Héctor joined the Instrumentation Department of Vircell Spain S.L.U. in July 2023 to provide technical ... Read more

Carlos Javier Correa Instrumentation Technician

Carlos joins Vircell Spain S.L.U. in May 2024 as Instrumentation Technician, with the objective of ... Read more

María López IT Specialist

Maria is a Senior Technician in Networked Computer Systems Administration and a specialist in middleware ... Read more

Jorge Gilabert IT Specialist

Jorge joined Vircell Spain, S.L.U. technical support team in June 2020, in order to provide ... Read more

Julio López Sales Manager of the Central Zone

Julio López joins Vircell Spain, S.L.U. in January 2024 as sales representative of the Central ... Read more


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